Relationships and Divorce

What about our marriages?  Here are a few videos that discuss relationships such as divorce and separation.

Casey's Story - I Want to Follow Jesus

In the midst of her marriage break-up, Casey has learned that God is faithful. Even when those we love and trust fail us, God delivers. "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 #divorce #lifeamess #peace #Godwithus #amazingfacts

Clarity On Marital Separation

God, who hates divorce, said not to separate, didn’t He? But what about when serious abuse is taking place? There’s a constructive, redemptive approach to separation that can actually heal a marriage.

God’s Grace Restores a Broken Marriage

Don and Lisa’s marriage was on the verge of collapsing. Pornography, the burden of an abortion and the imminent reality of a divorce was literally killing them. Then at the most critical moment, when everything seemed to be lost, God intervened. Do not miss this interview with John and Angela Lomacang, your life will most definitely be touched.

Adultery, Loyalty, and Love

The Ten Commandments are suffering an identity crisis are they merely antiquated relic of an ancient culture, or do they still have meaning, purpose, and application for people living today? Pastor Doug Batchelor explores the amazing riches that can be mined from each and every commandment, revealing that God's law is still a treasure trove of wisdom that offers incredible, proven solutions to the real-world problems of everyday life.

Marriage Together for life

Biblical advice on marriage Speaker Doug Batchelor

Understanding Marriage

n this series, find out what the Bible says about love, marriage, sex, and divorce, with our special guest Dr. Tom Shepherd. Host: Yvonne Lewis–Shelton

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